The Mission of God

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The Mission of God

The Mission of God

Series: All In

Category: Stewardship

Speaker: Jason Williams

In our first sermon of the 2018 All In series this past Sunday, we looked in Matthew 25 at a parable in which a wealthy man went on a journey and entrusted his servants to manage his resources while he was gone. Through this parable, we are reminded that everything we have belongs to God, and we have been entrusted with God’s resources according to our abilities. Therefore, God expects us to invest everything He has entrusted to us for His Mission through giving generously to the church, living within our means, meeting our financial obligations, and enjoying what’s left. Ultimately, we have been entrusted to manage God’s money for God’s mission.

Do you trust God’s intentions enough to invest everything He has entrusted to you into His mission? Are you truly willing to live All In for the Mission of Jesus?