The Purpose of Freedom

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The Purpose of Freedom

The Purpose of Freedom

Series: Stand Alone

Category: Gospel

Speaker: Blake Godsey

As we celebrate independence and freedom in our nation, it's an important time to reflect on the true, enduring freedom we have in Christ. Jesus' completed work on the cross, His resurrection, and Him imminent return provide us with eternal freedom from sin and death. However, we can be tempted to misuse this freedom, taking advantage of grace and turning to the sin we've been freed from or burdening ourselves with rules and moralism to prove our worth or even viewing our individual freedoms as the end goal. Jesus calls us to something more radical: to use our freedom in Him to humble ourselves and serve others. Rather than using our freedom for our own advantage, we are to lay down our rights in service and love for one another. Jesus Himself exemplified this ideal best by laying down His rights as God to become the perfect example of a servant. Our freedom in Christ allows us to live this way without fear, knowing that we are totally secure in our liberty in eternity with Him.