The Security of the Father's Hand

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The Security of the Father's Hand

The Security of the Father's Hand

Series: The Gospel of John

Category: Salvation

Speaker: Jason Williams

In this sermon, we looked at the eternal security that Jesus give to those who are truly saved. In John 10:22-31, the Pharisees asked Jesus to tell them if He was the long-awaited Messiah who would reign over Israel, defeating their enemies and establishing God’s eternal Kingdom of peace and righteousness. Jesus responded by telling the Pharisees that He came to give the security of eternal life to the people who believe in Him. This made the Pharisees angry because, according to Jesus, they weren’t included in this eternal security because they weren’t willing to follow Jesus. The good news of the Gospel is that true believers, whose lives are rooted by faith in Christ, are eternally secure in the Father’s hand.