The Suffering of Daniel

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The Suffering of Daniel

The Suffering of Daniel

Series: Suffering Saints

Category: Hope, Suffering, Gospel

Speaker: Blake Godsey

In this sermon, we looked at the how the prophet Daniel suffered under ungodly leadership. From the time he was born through his time in exile, the kings who ruled over him were most often in opposition to God's will. However, when confronted with the expectation to disobey God, Daniel stood firm in his convictions. In Daniel 1:8-16, God mercifully granted him favor among the leaders despite Daniel's resistance to the king's orders. When Daniel was specifically targeted by people seeking to harm him and was found to be breaking the law in Daniel chapter 6, he didn't abandon his conviction to obey God, despite it possibly leading to his death. In his visions, Daniel saw a future in which the king was God Himself, and His dominion would be forever. As God's people today, we can face suffering and wrestle with obedience to God while, ultimately, placing our hope in the future reign of Jesus.