The Tree of Life

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The Tree of Life

The Tree of Life

Series: The Real Tree of Christmas

Category: Salvation

Speaker: Jason Williams

In the final sermon of the Real Tree of Christmas series this past Sunday, we looked at the Tree of Life. As the story of the Bible unfolds, we find that the Tree of Life has great significance. The Tree of Life represents eternal life in the Garden of Eden. After Adam and Eve sinned, they were banished from the Garden of Eden in order to keep them from eating from the Tree of Life. Through the prophets Daniel and Ezekiel, we read about a future tree that will be a place for the nations to gather and find life. In the final chapter of the Bible, we encounter the Tree of Life once again. In the prophetic image of heaven in Revelation 22:1-5, we find the Tree of Life in middle of the New Jerusalem, giving life unending to the people of God and serving as a source of healing for the nations.