Warning Against False Teachers

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Warning Against False Teachers

Warning Against False Teachers

Series: 2 Peter: Grace That Transforms

Category: Discipleship, Gospel, The Church

Speaker: Jason Williams

In this sermon, we looked into 2 Peter chapter 2 at Peter's warning against false teachers who will infiltrate the church and lead people astray by promising freedom while actually leading them into captivity. Peter says that these false teachers will preach destructive heresies and, ultimately, deny Jesus as Lord. He also warns that these false teachers will take advantage of "unsteady souls," luring them into temporary relief through sensuality that winds up enslaving them. They will teach that God isn't going to bring a future judgement, which leads people to live however they desire. In the end, these false teachers will distort the way to God and lead people into destruction. The good news of the Gospel is that God delivers on His promise to give freedom, and the commands of the Lord lead to life, not destruction. In the final judgement, those who oppose God and refuse to believe the Gospel will be condemned, but those who know Jesus will be saved to eternal life.