What Are Idols?

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What Are Idols?

Series: Desires of the Heart

Category: Spiritual Warfare

Speaker: Jason Williams

This past Sunday, we opened the Desires of the Heart series by looking at
how the Bible describes and defines idols. Beyond the idea of statues or figurines, we looked at how anything that God has created “good” can be distorted into something we idolize. When these good things somehow shift in our hearts to become things that we trust in to make us happy, bring us comfort or give us security, they become our idols. Idols are the things that our hearts treasure. While idols can be hard to see in our own
lives, Jesus teaches us that our actions and words reflect the idols of our hearts. When we encounter the Holy Spirit of God, He reorients our hearts’ desires away from the idols of this world and towards himself.
Have you ever stopped to take time to truly explore the desires
of your heart and ask yourself, “What do I hope to get from fulfilling this desire?”
Are you willing to discuss your deepest desires with another Christian and ask this person how your words and actions may indicate idols in your heart?