Where is the God of Justice?

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Where is the God of Justice?

Where is the God of Justice?

Series: Malachi

Category: Gospel, The Church, Grace, Reconciliation

Speaker: Jason Williams

In this sermon, we looked at Malachi 2:17, where Malachi addresses the Israelites' questioning of God’s justice. Israel was in a time of rebellion against God and was experiencing the consequences of God withholding His blessing. In response, they questioned why God seemed to favor the evildoers. Instead of asking God to reveal to them their sin and humbling themselves in repentance, they saw everyone else as the problem. We looked at the answer to their question in Romans 3:21-26, where Paul unveils God's master plan for righteousness and justice through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Paul explains that the law could not make anyone righteous but that the righteousness of God has been revealed apart from the law: the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ. This righteousness is a gift of grace and is accessible to all who believe. This righteousness also demonstrates God's justice, resolving the issue of "delayed punishment" for past sins. By sacrificing His Son, God remains just, and becomes the justifier, addressing the Israelites' doubts and extending salvation to all mankind.