You Must Dwell as Mine

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You Must Dwell as Mine

You Must Dwell as Mine

Series: Stand Alone

Category: Hope, Gospel, Grace

Speaker: Jason Williams

In this Mother's Day sermon, we looked at God's hope for moms who are shackled by the guilt of feeling like they aren't enough. In the story of Hosea, we get a beautiful picture of how God meets all of us in our failures and inadequacies. Unlike the critical voice in our heads or the harsh judgement we feel from the world, God meets us in our failure with a gentle invitation to let Him guide us to a place where He provides everything we need and restores our relationship. When we see ourselves as an unfaithful wife, God sees us as a radiant bride. When we can't seem to get our lives together in our own strength, the Gospel reminds us that Jesus has already done the work to restore our lives and has paid the price to purchase our lives out of our failure. Through the story of Hosea, God reminds us that even when we feel unlovable and inadequate, we belong to Him and He calls us His own.